The Grids Python Tool

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Tools for extracting time series subsets from n-dimensional arrays in NetCDF, GRIB, HDF, and GeoTIFF formats. Time series can be extracted for:

  1. Points - by specifying the coordinates of the point in terms of the dimensions of the array
  2. Ranges or Bounding Boxes - by specifying the minimum and maximum coordinates for each dimension
  3. Spatial data - if the rasters are spatial data and the appropriate dimensions are specified


If you use Grids, please cite


pip install grids

Some of the dependencies for grids depend on system libraries and binaries which are not installed using a pip install. The easiest solution is to conda install the dependency whose system dependencies you need e.g. cfgrib or rasterio. You should not need to do this often.

# example conda install to get system dependencies
conda install -c conda-forge cfgrib rasterio netcdf4
pip install grids

Interactive Demo

View a live demo python notebook using Google Colaboratory and GitHub Gists.

Find a copy of the notebook on GitHub Gists.

Handling Time values

Datetime values are extracted in one of 4 ways (controlled by the interp_units, units_str, origin_format, and strp_format parameters), in this order of preference:

  1. When interp_units is True, interpret the time variable values as datetimes using time’s units attribute.
    Override the file’s units attribute or provide a missing one with the units_str kwarg and the origin_format kwarg if the date doesn’t use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
  2. When a pattern is specified with strp_filename, a datetime extracted from the filename is applied to all values coming from that dataset.
  3. If a time variable exists, its numerical values are used without further interpretation.
  4. The string file name is used if there is no time variable and no other options were provided.


class grids.TimeSeries(files: list, var: str, dim_order: tuple, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a time series of values from arrays contained in netCDF, grib, hdf, or geotiff formats. Values in the series are extracted by specifying coordinates of a point, range of coordinates, a spatial data file, or computing statistics for the entire array.

  • files (list) – A list (even if len==1) of either absolute file paths to netcdf, grib, hdf5, or geotiff files or urls to an OPeNDAP service (but beware the data transfer speed bottleneck)
  • variables (str or int or list or tuple) – The name of the variable(s) to query as they are stored in the file (e.g. often ‘temp’ or ‘T’ instead of Temperature) or the band number if you are using grib files and you specify the engine as pygrib. If the var is contained in a group, include the group name as a unix style path e.g. ‘group_name/var’
  • dim_order (tuple) – A tuple of the names of the dimensions for var, listed in order.
Keyword Arguments:
  • t_var (str) – Name of the time variable if it is used in the files. grids will try to guess it if you do not specify and default to ‘time’
  • stats (str or tuple) – How to reduce arrays of values to a single scalar value for the timeseries. Options include: mean, median, max, min, sum, std, a percentile (e.g. 25%) or all. Provide a list of strings (e.g. [‘mean’, ‘max’]), or a comma separated string (e.g. ‘mean,max,min’)
  • engine (str) – the python package used to power the file reading. Defaults to best for the type of input data
  • user (str) – a username used for authenticating remote datasets, if required by your remote data source
  • pswd (str) – a password used for authenticating remote datasets, if required by your remote data source
  • session (requests.Session) – a requests Session object preloaded with credentials/tokens for authentication
  • xr_kwargs (dict) – A dictionary of kwargs that you might need when opening complex grib files with xarray
  • fill_value (int) – The value used for filling no_data spaces in the source file’s array. Default: -9999.0
  • interp_units (bool) – If your data conforms to the CF NetCDF standard for time data, choose True to convert the values in the time variable to datetime strings in the pandas output. The units string for the time variable of each file is checked separately unless you specify it in the unit_str parameter.
  • unit_str (str) – a CF Standard conforming string indicating how the spacing and origin of the time values. Only specify this if ALL files that you query will contain the same units string. This is helpful if your files do not contain a units string. Usually this looks like “step_size since YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” such as “days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00”.
  • origin_format (str) – A datetime.strptime string for extracting the origin time from the units string.
  • strp_filename (str) – A datetime.strptime string for extracting datetimes from patterns in file names.

Extracts a time series of values at a point for a given coordinate pair


Extracts a time series of values for several points given a series of coordinate values


Extracts a time series of values with a bounding box for each requested statistic


Alias for TimeSeries.bound()


Extracts a time series of values on a line or within a polygon for each requested statistic


import grids

# collect the input information files = [‘/path/to/file/’, ‘/path/to/file/’, ‘/path/to/file/’, ] var = ‘name_of_my_variable’ dim_order = (‘name’, ‘of’, ‘dimensions’, ‘of’, ‘variable’)

# combine these into an instance of the TimeSeries class series = grids.TimeSeries(files=files, var=var, dim_order=dim_order) # call the function to query the time series subset you’re interested in point_time_series = series.point(coords*)


# current GFS 1/4 degree forecast time series for air temperature in Provo Utah files = [’’] var = ‘Temperature_surface’ dim_order = (‘time’, ‘lat’, ‘lon’)

series = TimeSeries(files=files, var=var, dim_order=dim_order) temp_forecast = series.point(None, 40.25, -111.65 + 360)

bound(min_coords: tuple, max_coords: tuple, stats: str = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]
  • min_coords (tuple) – a tuple containing minimum coordinates of a bounding box range- coordinates given in order of the dimensions of the source arrays.
  • max_coords (tuple) – a tuple containing maximum coordinates of a bounding box range- coordinates given in order of the dimensions of the source arrays.
  • stats (str or tuple) – How to reduce arrays of values to a single scalar value for the time series. Options include: mean, median, max, min, sum, std, a percentile (e.g. 25%), all, or values. Values returns a flattened list of all values in query range for plotting or computing other stats. Provide a list of strings (e.g. [‘mean’, ‘max’]), or a comma separated string (e.g. ‘mean,max,min’)

pandas.DataFrame with an index, a datetime column, and a column named for each statistic specified

multipoint(*coords, labels: list = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Extracts a time series at many points for a given series of coordinate values. Each point should have the same time coordinate and different coordinates for each other dimension.

  • coords (int or float or None) – a list of coordinate tuples or a 2D numpy array. Each coordinate pair in the list should provide a coordinate value (integer or float) for each dimension of the array, e.g. len(coordinate_pair) == len(dim_order). See TimeSeries.point for more explanation.
  • labels (list) – an optional list of strings which label each of the coordinates provided. len(labels) should be equal to len(coords)

pandas.DataFrame with an index, a column named datetime, and a column named values.

point(*coords) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Extracts a time series at a point for a given series of coordinate values

Parameters:coords (int or float or None) – provide a coordinate value (integer or float) for each dimension of the array which you are creating a time series for. You need to provide exactly the same number of coordinates as there are dimensions
Returns:pandas.DataFrame with an index, a column named datetime, and a column named values.
range(min_coordinates: tuple, max_coordinates: tuple, stats: str = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Alias for TimeSeries.bound(). Refer to documentation for the bound method.

shape(mask: str, time_range: tuple = (None, None), behavior: str = None, label_attr: str = None, feature: str = None, stats: str = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Applicable only to source data with exactly 2 spatial dimensions, x and y, and a time dimension.

  • mask (str) – path to any spatial polygon file, e.g. shapefile or geojson, which can be read by gpd.
  • time_range – a tuple of the min and max time range to query a time series for
  • behavior (str) – determines how the vector data is used to mask the arrays. Options are: dissolve, features - dissolve: treats all features as if they were 1 feature and masks the entire set of polygons in 1 grid - features: treats each feature as a separate entity, must specify an attribute shared by each feature with unique values for each feature used to label the resulting series
  • label_attr – The name of the attribute in the vector data features to label the several outputs
  • feature – A value of the label_attr attribute for 1 or more features found in the provided shapefile
  • stats (str or tuple) – How to reduce arrays of values to a single scalar value for the time series. Options include: mean, median, max, min, sum, std, a percentile (e.g. 25%), all, or values. Values returns a flattened list of all values in query range for plotting or computing other stats. Provide a list of strings (e.g. [‘mean’, ‘max’]), or a comma separated string (e.g. ‘mean,max,min’)

pandas.DataFrame with an index, a datetime column, and a column named for each statistic specified

Speed Test Results

engine point range shape count point/file range/file shape/file
xarray 55.589837 58.575156 60.256757 864 0.0643 0.0678 0.0697
netCDF4 33.357278 33.29196 38.594516 864 0.0386 0.0385 0.0447
h5py 10.5311 10.254075 14.19886 864 0.0122 0.0119 0.0164
cfgrib 121.737391 121.199744 121.702608 500 0.2435 0.2424 0.2434
rasterio 1.780844 1.79053 3.597246 480 0.0037 0.0037 0.0075